Monday, September 16, 2013

Week of September 16, 2013

The Plan:

Students took the Topic 1 test in the computer lab on Friday. Their assignment was to get a parent signature on the score sheet. You may review the test on digits. We will be starting Topic 2 this week.

     How to log into digits:
      Username: studentID@sps
      Password: First and last name initials (must be capitalized) followed by 4 digit birthdate
      example: Username: 123456@sps
                 Password: SS0110
       (My name is Sarah Stafford and my birthday is January tenth)

Monday: After analyzing test results, and each question on the test, I have decided to give students 1.5 additional points toward their overall score. Instead of students' scores changing, I just made the test out of 93.5 points on e School instead of 100 points. Students figured their new average today in class. They graphed their score, reflected on their performance, and also took a multiplication timed test. We then began r2 (readiness lesson for Topic 2). We will do a team activity for this in class tomorrow. The assignment is r2 homework due Wednesday.

Today our schedule was shortened due to the relocation drill. Each class did the r2 team activity. The assignment is r2 homework due tomorrow. 

See you at open house tonight! Join me in the library from 6-6:15 to learn more about the Math program and answer any questions you might have!
Wednesday: Today we did lesson 2-1 in class. The assignment is 2-1 homework. It is 12 questions. Normally, I would have it due in 2 days (Friday), but since students are out of school Friday, it will be due Monday. We will do lesson 2-2 tomorrow, so there will be another assignment for over the weekend...just a heads up.

Thursday: We did lesson 2-2 in class today. We will have to finish it on Monday. 2-1 homework is due Monday, and 2-2 homework is due Tuesday.

Friday: No School! Have a great weekend!